
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Focus on the Facts

Have you ever stopped to think about how many math opportunities there are in theme parks?

Here are a few ideas for working in a little math during your day at the park:

- Estimate and calculate your steps from the front gate to your first ride.

- Estimate and calculate your time from the start to the finish of a ride.

- Count the number of (choose an item) you pass during the day.

- Pick up a theme park map and "sort" the items found (restaurants, thrill rides, etc).

- Calculate the total cost of a meal.

- Take the receipt from a meal and divide by the number of guests to calculate the meal cost per person.

- Choose some things you may see a few times during the day (characters, soda cups, strollers, etc), keep a tally, and make a graph at the end of the day.

What others can you come up with?

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