
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Transportation - for little ones

Why not take a look at the various modes of transportation around Disney World?

Here is a list of ideas for incorporating the transportation of Disney World into a lesson or series of lessons for your young child:

- Take a picture of each (boats, monorail, buses, cars, train, carts, airplane - if this is how you arrived, etc.) or have the child draw a picture of each in a journal. (The pictures could be colored later when waiting in line for a ride.)

- Label each and discuss the uses / importance

- Keep a tally each time you see one

- Use each in a sentence

- Discuss safety

- Time how long it takes to get from one location to another using one of the forms of transportation


- Study the history of transportation

- Add the number of each type of transportation seen at Disney World

- Using the pictures - sort, classify, and label the attributes in common

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